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Your Money Articles from New York Times:
How to Rein In Rising Auto Insurance Rates
7/19/2024 8:00 AM
Taking a safe driver course can save you 10 percent on the premium, one expert said. Improving your credit score can also help as can getting married...Read More
Biden Administration Pauses Student Loan Payments for Millions
7/19/2024 10:34 AM
Eight million borrowers enrolled in the repayment plan known as SAVE will be placed in an interest-free forbearance while the administration deals with legal issues...Read More
What Presidential Election? So Far, the Stock Market Doesn’t Care.
7/19/2024 3:15 PM
Traders appear to be focused on possible Fed rate cuts and corporate earnings, and are remarkably indifferent to political fortunes, our columnist says...Read More
What to Know About Hotel Day Passes
7/19/2024 6:19 PM
Hotels are increasingly making some of their most enviable amenities available to day pass holders...Read More
Chase to Bar Customers From Using Credit Cards for ‘Pay Later’ Loans
7/26/2024 8:00 AM
Financial regulators and consumer advocates frown upon using credit cards to pay off installment loans because of the risk that consumers will dig themselves further into debt...Read More
Finally, a Way Around Exorbitant Rental Car Surcharges for Tolls
7/23/2024 4:01 AM
Temporary toll passes, now free for those who rent cars at the Orlando airport in Florida, allow drivers to avoid charges for toll payment devices. Could this be a model for other destinations...Read More
Jonathan Clements, Longtime Personal Finance Columnist, Has Cancer
7/13/2024 2:01 AM
Jonathan Clements, a longtime personal finance columnist for The Wall Street Journal, has a lot of savings. He’s not mad that a fatal illness will keep him from spending it...Read More
How to Avoid Paying Vacation Rental Fees
7/15/2024 8:31 AM
It takes some work to find a rental you can book directly, but the payoff can be significant...Read More
For L.G.B.T.Q. People, Moving to Friendlier States Comes With a Cost
7/11/2024 4:01 AM
Laws targeting gender-affirming care have uprooted thousands. But places that are more supportive can also be more expensive...Read More
How to Choose the Right Organized Tour
7/3/2024 4:00 AM
Group size, participants’ age range, style of travel and budget are among the factors you should consider when selecting an itinerary...Read More

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